Today was published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 21 (Monitorul Oficial Partea I nr. 21) Order of the President of ONJN regarding AML (Anti Money Laundering) in the Romanian gambling industry. The document is important for our industry as it puts on the market the instructions (rules) on preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing in the field of gambling in our country.

This document is important for “gambling service providers”, as the document calls gambling operators, it is important for profile associations, for players, because most of these instructions are also aimed at important because it defines the terms used in this area, the fight against money laundering, is important because it talks about their own risk assessments that gambling service providers must make according to established policies and internal rules, or because for the first time an official state document mentions the obligation of the operator to ensure an independent audit function at intervals of at least 2 years of “efficiency and concrete ways of applying policies, internal rules, mechanisms, IT systems and management procedures the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing… ”.
What other provisions are in this document that you need to pay attention to:
- Designation of responsible persons
- Recruitment and training of employees
- Requirements for customer awareness measures (I find very interesting here Article 21 – Monitoring of gambling participants or Article 23 – Reporting obligation)
- The whole chapter IV. Supervision and Control Activity of the National Gambling Office
- Article 30. Gambling-specific measures
At the end of the document you have 3 important Annexes: the Register of evidence of events regarding the misappropriation of false or stolen identities (Annex 1), the Record of the prizes awarded to the gambling participant (Annex 2) and the Customer Knowledge Form (Annex 3).